Kerry Dimmer Journalist

Kerry Dimmer Journalist

Kerry Dimmer is an award-winning freelance journalist and editor. Kerry writes largely on African topics for both global and local publications. Her comprehensive portfolio which can be viewed on presents examples of her published articles that cover infrastructure, mining, oil & gas, energy, green building, business & finance, current affairs, as well as personality/company profiles.
Kerry is the recipient of a Diageo Africa Business Reporting Award, and the 2013 Property Feature Journalist of the Year.



We develop focused, easy to use and targeted websites. Depending on your requirement our design and brand team will develop the iedeal website for you – whether it is simply to tell your users who you are, or to give visitors more information, or provide them with a service.

Media Relations

Media Relations

We offer a range of media relations services from writing pitching stories, to writing press releases and offering a high-level of strategic media handling advice. We do product or campaign launches, providing defensive Q and A on sensitive issues, advising on the timing of an announcement, writing and placing opinion articles in the international press, and arranging face-to-face meetings between organisation executives and key journalists over a coffee to build long-term relationships.



We help clients formulate brand identities that take work for them. We help you identify and solidify your position in the market and work with you to highlight your values in marketing and branding material from logos to brochures