Fazila Dahall – Broadcaster – Media Strategist

Fazila Dahall – Broadcaster – Media Strategist

Fazila Dahall is a broadcast journalist, foreign correspondent, multimedia producer, writer and photographer currently based in South Africa. She has covered stories around the world for over three decades reporting on politics, economics, social issues, from the front lines of conflicts and natural disasters, environment crises, healthcare access, science/innovation and trafficking.
She is the recipient of several media awards. She is involved with the AIDS Army, an organization fighting the spread of AIDS in southern Africa through education. She also works with “4Awoman” which is an ambitious project by the “AkbaralyFoundation” bringing hope to women for early cancer detection, management, and treatment

Feroz Dhomun – Consultant

Feroz Dhomun – Consultant

Feroz worked with the National Association of Home Builders, a trade association with a membership of over 200,000 located in Washington DC for over a period of 28 years. He started in operations and when he left he was in systems support. He joined the COMMELLE team in 2017 as a consultant.

Vincent Garrigues – Associate Director Meroe Global

Vincent Garrigues – Associate Director Meroe Global

Author of several  travel guides and travel stories,  insatiable traveler visited over one hundred countries and producer of a unique film, auditor at the Royal African Society, member of the Huguenot Society and Friends of the Academy of Sciences Overseas, Vincent Garrigues created global MEROE in 2017.

Holder of a master’s degree in journalism from ESJ-Paris, he has been in Africa  for more  than 10 years working for Radio France Internationale, as a foreign correspondent and reporter in London, Nouméa, Johannesburg, Paris, Monaco, Abu Dhabi and Tangier.

He previously worked for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in South Africa and Algeria, responsible for the implementation of support and cooperation programs in the field of media, cultural engineering and influence monitoring. In both bilateral and multilateral domains, he led many regional initiatives in partnership with major communication groups and Mediterranean, Indo-Oceanic and African institutions.


Adviser in communication strategy to the presidency and the government of the Gabonese Republic from 2012 to 2017 Vincent Garrigues implemented a national and international strategy .

Life in a Mirror

Life in a Mirror

The genocide in Rwanda resulted in the deaths of over a million people within 100 days while the international community watched and did nothing. How many times have we said, ” Never again”! Did it leave a stain on the world’s conscience? Death was not the only outcome.Tens of thousands of people had been tortured, mutilated and raped. Tens of thousands suffered machete cuts, bullet wounds, infection and starvation.


The persecution of Tutsis and Hutu moderates which started in 1990 and waves of massacres acted as a precursor to the genocide. The persecution, though barely recognised by the outside world, was an early indication of what was to come. Genocide was instant! The perpetrators had promised an apocalypse and the operation which emerged was a devastating frenzy of violence, bloodshed and merciless killing. No Tutsi was exempt. There were thousands of widows Many had been victims of rape and sexual abuse or had seen their own children murdered.


I went back three years later and visited some villages where NGOs were doing some great work. I met a few women who had been victims of terrible violence. Laurence, a frail looking woman scarred for life, led me to her place. As I walked into the sparsely furnished room, a cracked mirror on the wall caught my attention. As if reading my mind, she said in Kirundi……” Looking everyday at my face reminds me that I am still alive and I have one more day with my son”. I glanced, through the small window, at the little boy playing in the mud with his friends unaware of the unfolding tragedy. As I was leaving Laurence caught my hand and when  I turned our eyes locked. I understood. Less than a year after meeting her, I got news that Laurence had passed on. I had a promise to fulfill.

African interactions

African interactions

The most vibrant, dynamic, and engaging dialogues about, and in, Africa are often between strangers. These are largely informal … the sharing of thoughts, views, opinions, and perceptions. There are always stories to tell, debates to be had, experiences to be shared, interests to be explored, questions asked and answered, and motivated by a desire to know and understand more about this unique continent.
This platform shares some of those interactions and conversations. It highlights the interests of talking heads, and explores the journeys taken and those yet to be traversed.
Contributions are welcome, varied and opinionated, perhaps controversial at times. The views of the author are not necessarily those of Commelle Communications.
Écoutez le silence

Écoutez le silence

Il est 5:30 du matin à l’île Poovar petit morceau de terre perdu au milieu de la mer et les rivières de kovalam à kerala… je suis assise sur mon tapis de yoga et je laisse la douce brise du matin me bercer tant la nuit à été chaude… et j’écoute je ne fais rien d’ autre , j’écoute. les yeux fermés, j’ecoute le silence… le silence de l’immensité… le silence de la mer! J’écoute la rivière qui me murmure ses secrets, ses songes, elle me raconte ses matins avant le levé du soleil … j’ecoute et plus Loin le chant de l’azaan , la voix cristaline du muezzin m offre un doux mélange avec cette autre voix, cette vibration vocale venue d’une âme pleine de dévotion. Cette voix féminine chante les louanges de la nature, les mantras Hindus et l’apel à la prière des musulmans rythmes par le cris des grillons, des crapaux et des oiseaux me bercent, m’enivrent…. ahhhh soudain des profondeurs de la terre se dégage tout doucement une autre vibration à peine perceptible Encore des chants, des sons des vibrations…tout invite au silence en moi… tout invite au calme, à la serenite.. à la réflection…

Ceara Allardyce

Ceara Allardyce

Ceara Allardyce is focused on telling stories through the visual art of cinematography. With a number of international and local short and feature film productions under her belt, Ceara has most recently been concentrating on filming one-to-one interviews, working alongside a well-known media trainer. Her creative and meticulous choices, pre- and post-filming, result in providing a client with the aesthetics they require while also prompting the expected emotional responses from an audience. Her attention to detail is highlighted by the use of lenses, filters, lighting techniques and camera movements to create the appropriate dramatic effect.
In her final year of achieving her BA in Cinematography from internationally-recognised South African film school AFDA, the short film on which Ceara worked, Just Roomates, was selected for screening at South Africa’s premier film festival Silwerskermfees.