Écoutez le silence

Écoutez le silence

Il est 5:30 du matin à l’île Poovar petit morceau de terre perdu au milieu de la mer et les rivières de kovalam à kerala… je suis assise sur mon tapis de yoga et je laisse la douce brise du matin me bercer tant la nuit à été chaude… et j’écoute je ne fais rien d’ autre , j’écoute. les yeux fermés, j’ecoute le silence… le silence de l’immensité… le silence de la mer! J’écoute la rivière qui me murmure ses secrets, ses songes, elle me raconte ses matins avant le levé du soleil … j’ecoute et plus Loin le chant de l’azaan , la voix cristaline du muezzin m offre un doux mélange avec cette autre voix, cette vibration vocale venue d’une âme pleine de dévotion. Cette voix féminine chante les louanges de la nature, les mantras Hindus et l’apel à la prière des musulmans rythmes par le cris des grillons, des crapaux et des oiseaux me bercent, m’enivrent…. ahhhh soudain des profondeurs de la terre se dégage tout doucement une autre vibration à peine perceptible Encore des chants, des sons des vibrations…tout invite au silence en moi… tout invite au calme, à la serenite.. à la réflection…



” Where is Pitu, Mommy ? ” …. Pitu was very old and sick, he was also very tired and went to take a very, very long nap, u know like a cat nap …, I explained to my son.
Except this time it’s a forever nap!
So today we will say goodbye to him and bury him with rose petals and then we will plant flowers on top of him so we will always see him everyday when we walk by Milans window . He will never be forgotten but instead we will now enjoy him in the form of flowers…
Zalen, ” Mommy, are the flowers going to meow ?” How sweet and innocent.

My son is five and my daughter is two and half. They both understood that our beloved cat was no longer physically around and that our family had just lost a very dear and important member.
It was interesting to watch the difference in their reactions due to their emotional maturity level : my son was very emotional when saying goodbye , while my daughter was more interested in repeating what I was trying to explain.
Up until losing our cat, my kids only experience of loss was losing a toy! This has been a rather big life lesson and although I’m no expert on how to handle death with kids, I do believe we explained it in its simplest form…. ” we are returning Pitu back to the earth ”



Where did the time go , she was just a baby” …. ” Enjoy every minute, they grow up so fast” … ” My baby is all grown up “..said every single parent ever!

It starts when you are about three months pregnant, strangers aka parents just can’t help themselves from engaging in baby bump banter at the sight of your protruding tummy. The remaining six months will sound like this …” How far along ?”…” It’s a boy isn’t it, I can tell by the way you are carrying “…”oh its a girl for sure, I can tell by the way you are carrying…” You have that pregnancy glow ” (meanwhile it’s sweat because you are carrying a mini human inside of you 24/7!…and my favorite, ” pregnancy suits you ” …as if it’s like this Summers’ latest trend off a Cavali runway.

The reason I chose this topic was because as I was grocery shopping with my two kids today, I noticed a pregnant lady and I was just about to say to her
” you must be carrying a little boy!”

I am one one of them now……
#stranger #parent

Ceara Allardyce

Ceara Allardyce

Ceara Allardyce is focused on telling stories through the visual art of cinematography. With a number of international and local short and feature film productions under her belt, Ceara has most recently been concentrating on filming one-to-one interviews, working alongside a well-known media trainer. Her creative and meticulous choices, pre- and post-filming, result in providing a client with the aesthetics they require while also prompting the expected emotional responses from an audience. Her attention to detail is highlighted by the use of lenses, filters, lighting techniques and camera movements to create the appropriate dramatic effect.
In her final year of achieving her BA in Cinematography from internationally-recognised South African film school AFDA, the short film on which Ceara worked, Just Roomates, was selected for screening at South Africa’s premier film festival Silwerskermfees.

Ishara Callan Media relations and communications consultant

Ishara Callan Media relations and communications consultant

Ishara Bhasi Callan is a marketing and public relations professional with a proven track record of using creative solutions to meet and exceed a company’s reputational, brand and commercial objectives. She is an emerging markets expert and specializes in international trade, international development, charity, NGOS and corporate communications.
She has a proven track record of running successful media campaigns for outfits including the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, British Asian Trust, The UK India Business Council and the Commonwealth Business Council. Before joining the corporate sector, she worked with national and international news desks. Ishara possesses valuable inside knowledge and understanding of what makes a good story.

Amreen Sriqui Broadcast Journalist

Amreen Sriqui Broadcast Journalist

Amreen Sriqui is a broadcast journalist who covered many stories around the awful atrocities of conflicts. Her final story was after she learned that one of her dearest correspondents, Jean Baptist Kakoubi, was murdered. The ON AIR lights went off in the studio and she embarked on a different kind of journalism.
From entrepreneur to interior design Consultant….many exciting experiences and adventures later, she found herself living away from motherland Africa. Married with a little boy and girl, nowadays she is using her journalistic skills a tad differently.

Having a Masters degree in the Science of being a mom, she is only too aware that Moms don’t have time to read every ingredient on packaging, research the meaning of every unpronounceable word listed, let alone opt for making a quick meal from scratch as she stumbles through the door at 6, 7, 8 or 9 PM with kids and baby puke on her new suit having been up since 4, 5, 6 AM.

Kerry Dimmer Journalist

Kerry Dimmer Journalist

Kerry Dimmer is an award-winning freelance journalist and editor. Kerry writes largely on African topics for both global and local publications. Her comprehensive portfolio which can be viewed on www.kerrydimmer.com presents examples of her published articles that cover infrastructure, mining, oil & gas, energy, green building, business & finance, current affairs, as well as personality/company profiles.
Kerry is the recipient of a Diageo Africa Business Reporting Award, and the 2013 Property Feature Journalist of the Year.